In our most recent Wet and Puffy scenario, we rejoin Claudia Macc at home. This seductive blonde is dressed in short denim dungarees over a neon pink bra. As Claudia applies lipstick, she glances in the mirror and realizes how attractive she is. When the camera pans down, it reveals a dildo adhered to the mirror, which piques Claudia's curiosity as well! She drops on her knees on the ground and begins to lick the tip and suck the dildo. It's like witnessing twins since Claudia is performing this in front of the mirror! This promiscuous blonde takes off her underwear and pulls her underwear to one side before bending over and fingering herself doggystyle. She eases backwards and forwards, pushing herself back onto the rough dildo and filling her swollen pussy with it! After removing the dildo from the mirror, Claudia sits up and plays with her own body even more. She then licks the dildo clean and enters again for some cherry pussy action! We pan in closely to see her enormous lips as the black dildo glides in and out. Then, as she feverishly masturbates, Claudia rides her dildo on the ground to give herself a shivering climax!

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