Chanel Cameryn and Freya Parker are excellent roommates. The fact that Freya has a major crush on Chanel contributes to their great working relationship. She approaches Chanel one day and confides that she has a crush on someone. Chanel coaxes Freya into going to her room to get dressed to impress so she can go for it! Freya takes the advice, retreating to her room and slipping into something very sexy. Her dress has plenty of wow factor, but before she goes back downstairs Freya sends Chanel a text confessing her crush. Returning to the living room, Freya soaks in Chanel's compliments and then suggests that Chanel check her phone. Chanel studies the sentence, and as she does, understanding emerges. She then glances up at Freya, her gaze eager. It appears that there are other people that have crushes on Freya. In this new chapter of their relationship, the girls gather almost reverently, touching and caressing one other as they learn about each other's bodies with their fingers and hands. The women move into the bedroom and gently start taking off their clothes. Chanel gently repositions Freya on the bed. She flicks Freya's thong aside and tastes her roommate's delicious heat with her tongue. After that, she treats Freya to a full-on pussy feast, which makes her arch her back off the bed in delight. As Freya runs her hand down her lover's ass and caresses her clit, all she can think about is getting Chanel on her knees. She probes with reverence and delicacy, running her fingertips over Chanel's sleek slit before poking her tongue in. She slurps and prods, leaving Chanel thoroughly covered in her passion. The females were lying next to each other, caressing each other's clits with their fingers. They keep playing with one other's pussies till they end up clitting to clit, Chanel on top of Freya, so they may scissor together. Their final teasing sets them both off, concluding a first date that is satisfying.