Georgia Jones was shocked by the extraordinary reception her unique massage oil, which she had just had shipped from abroad, received. She never bought into the hoopla about how effective it is as an aphrodisiac. That is, until her last client almost leaped all over her, pleading with Georgia to fuck her, after she had massaged her. She smiles at the blonde beauty who enters her life as she closes the phone with her pal phoning in her next appointment. As she undresses, Adriana Sephora begs Georgia to turn away from her shy and embarrassed appearance. Georgia is aware that this breathtaking beauty requires her special oil. Georgia massages Adriana's back and legs with her special oil, ensuring sure her client is relaxed and happy. Adriana can't resist letting go, sighing at every contact and experiencing heat and tingling all over. She's not sure what this feeling is, but she seems to enjoy it as her arousal increases and her desire grows. Georgia is aware that now is the perfect moment to intensify her efforts and rub her clients' inner thighs and ass so close to Adriana's pussy. Adriana opens her legs for Georgia to perform her lesbian pussy magic because she is so certain that she wants her pussy to be satisfied—a whole new lesbian experience!

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