April Flores is peeking playfully through the doors of her private massage parlor while wearing a fluffy white robe. All she needs is her masseuse's gentle hands to have a rejuvenating day at the spa. Her masseuse for the day, Seth Gamble, arrives shortly after with a sly smile. He follows April in order to assist her in undressing, and he can't take his eyes off her stunning figure. He pulls the robe off her body and puts his arms around her, running his hands over her stomach. Her first impression on him while she's nude is one of pure confidence and sensuality. April settles into the massage table and shoots seductive looks at Seth. Seth pulls out the massage oils and begins to work as soon as she does. He makes care to lavish oil on her entire voluptuous body in a sensual manner. Every gorgeous contour, from her plump ass to her beautiful breasts, is something he deeply admires. April gets hotter with every touch and squeeze, and the sensual tension between them is intolerable. Eventually, April is more than ready for her happy ending as Seth's firm hands stroke her near her pussy. April, excited about what's to come, enthusiastically sucks his cock when Seth throws off his own clothes. She opens her legs wide to invite Seth within once he's ready. It was lovely to feel his hands on her pussy, but what she really needs is his cock massaging her from the inside out!

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