Sam Shock, Lana Smalls' stepbrother, is her biggest fan. Today is the day she will carry out her plan to obtain his cum inside of her. Lana waits for Sam to leave while she does laundry in the living room while wearing an extremely tight attire. She informs Sam that she needs him to wash her when he gets there. When Sam asks, "Wash Lana or was her clothes? " Lana responds, "both. " Sam hesitates, but then picks Lana up and puts her in a laundry basket to carry her to the laundry room. It's clear the stepsiblings have been flirting for a while, because when Lana comes on to Sam he flirts right back. Sam Shock, Lana Smalls' stepbrother, is her biggest fan. Today is the day she will carry out her plan to obtain his cum inside of her. Lana waits for Sam to leave while she does laundry in the living room while wearing an extremely tight attire. She informs Sam that she needs him to wash her when he gets there. When Sam asks, "Wash Lana or was her clothes? " Lana responds, "both. " After giving it some thought, Sam scoops up Lana and carries her to the laundry room in a laundry basket. Sam flirts back with Lana, indicating that the stepsiblings had been infatuated for some time. Sam doesn't object when she offers to put her enormous hands right around his dick. bursting Lana happily hops on for a stiffie ride when he settles down on a towel. Once again, she finds herself on top of the dryer, but this time, her thighs are wide open to allow Sam to reenter her. Sam gets his stepsister off the pot before giving her a hefty clit rub. Lana, beaming from her creampie, says she doesn't use birth control. Lana happily hops on for a stiffie ride when he settles down on a towel. Once again, she finds herself on top of the dryer, but this time, her thighs are wide open to allow