In the gripping sequel, "My Killer Girlfriend - Part 2, Scene #01," the enigmatic Carmen welcomes Joanna's friends, Arya Fae and Ramon Nomar, with a secretive smile. Ramon senses something off about her—is it just shyness, or something more sinister? Arya, protective of her man, brushes off Carmen's lingering glances, assuming her harmless—after all, she's supposedly a lesbian. Little do they know, the true horror is yet to unfold! The kitchen becomes a stage for Arya and Ramon's passionate performance, their bodies entwined in a heated dance of desire. They steal kisses, touches, and more, lost in a world of their own making. The countertop becomes their playground, witnessing a steamy, intense encounter that leaves them breathless and satiated. Deep throats, doggy style, and the tantalizing allure of stockings and high heels—this scene has it all! But the climax of their performance is also the climax of Carmen's twisted plan. As the lovers bask in their post-coital glow, Carmen strikes! Could the smack talk they indulged in have sealed their fate? Was Carmen's jealousy the catalyst for her deadly deed? With a shocking stab, she ends their lives, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. Joanna thought the blondes would get along... she couldn't have been more wrong! Don't miss this thrilling, chilling blend of lust and horror, where the line between pleasure and pain blurs in the most terrifying way imaginable!