Master, I'm ready for you; I'm clothed. Feel free to use me whatever you choose. I appreciate you purchasing a bra for me that doesn't hide my nipples. I am aware that they ought to be flaunted constantly. I have to move carefully because these boots have such high heels. You like to watch me move slowly, I know that. As I stagger across the room, it makes me appear even more like a slave. The rope is ready, master. Fasten me. Fasten my wrists. as well as my ankles. It feels good to be at your mercy. But in your brutality, I know you will be compassionate. I am a doll on a chair, and I would never submit to any other kind of master. I'm stuck here with nowhere to go. Yes, I will wiggle, turn around, and expose my buttocks at your direction. I'll watch now while you bind my knees together. Do you truly think I should go somewhere? You enjoy it when I come for your amusement. Yes, feel free to shuffle me around on the couch till you find the ideal position. I am merely a toy for you. But wait, is that also a dildo? How cunning of you, Master, to secure it to my cords! Oh, how big it feels as it covers my hole! Master, you just never stop binding me. I am unable to move and must instead surrender to the sensation of these ropes, this toy, and your eyes observing me while your hands continue to tighten my ties and add more rope. Here I am, offered to you with all my love and surrender, ready for your whims, ready for everything so beautiful and unbearable!

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