Aspiring actress Dahlia Sky is amazed by the studio and the green screen, where director John Strong claims they shoot a lot of computer-generated imagery, when she responds to a want ad to audition for a part in a big-budget movie. She reads her lines and follows directions like a pro when she and actor Mr. Pete go through the script. She is taken aback, though, when John says he wants to see them kiss because they are filming a love tale, and he wants to capture their passion as though the cameras were rolling. She goes along with it, following Mr. Pete's lead, but the kissing turns into full-on fucking. Dahlia can learn some tips from the aroused director about how to fuck and sucking more realistically on camera. In order to illustrate, he pulls out his erect dick and begins double teaming Dahlia with Mr. Pete, puncturing both her pussy and ass till they cum in her face! She's fairly certain she got the role!