This week, Maddi Black, another fresh face, appears on Wet and Puffy. This raven-haired beauty leans over on the couch and tugs at her pink lace underwear while teasing the camera in a plaid miniskirt and crop top. As she stands up, she tugs her top down to tease her huge, luscious nipples while pinching them. She then begins to undress, rubbing her lace underwear on her plump, pussy lips. Maddi pushes her enormous taco pussy lips together, and we get a close-up look at them. She gapes her pussy wide open with her fingers and a metal speculum inserted inside of her, then she bends over and plays with the gape like a dog. Moving on to a red dildo, Maddi plays with her plump, juicy pussy while simultaneously masturbating to experience her first strong, shivering orgasm on camera! She gapes her pussy wide open with her fingers and a metal speculum inserted inside of her, then she bends over and plays with the gape like a dog. Moving on to a red dildo, Maddi plays

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