When Fred (Nathan Bronson), a representative from a dating website Laura (Lola Fae) recently joined, comes up at her door, she is taken aback. Fred says he needs to talk to her, so she lets him in even though she tries to push him away. At that point, Laura signed a set of "terms and conditions" on the dating site, which includes a clause allowing Fred to use her body whenever he wants. Fred explains this to Laura. Laura is astonished and adamant that it isn't feasible. Fred, on the other hand, comes across as arrogant when he tells her that she would have known what she was signing if she had actually READ the contract. When Fred (Nathan Bronson), a representative from a dating website, approaches Laura (Lola Fae), she is taken aback. Laura finally gives in to his demands and lets him have his way with her now and whenever he pleases in the future, not wanting to make things more difficult for himself.